Yulia Makarova

Yulia Makarova

Was online 04 September 2018
at 18:56:56 with browser

Main information
Birthday: 26 November
Sex: Female
Marital status: married
City: Kyiv
VK: id6310631
Place of study: НАУ (бывш. КИИГА, КМУГА)
Faculty: Институт экологической безопасности
Form of training: Full-time
Status: Alumna (Master's)
Year of ending: 2011
Школа №288 1995-2005 class "а"
Life position
Political views: Moderate
Religion: Есть
About me: Я такая какая есть)
Favorite quotes:
Это невозможно - сказала Причина.Это безрассудно - заметил Опыт.Это бесполезно - отрезала Гордость.Попробуй - шепнула Мечта... There is a great truth on the planet.If you wish something very much,you will reach it, because the desire was born in the soul of our world. Koelio Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. Amelia Burr If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough. Ann Landers Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. Muhammad Ali Love means not ever having to say you're sorry. Erich Segal Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. "— Ты просто боишься попробовать только потому, что, если вдруг ничего не получится, винить придется опять же себя. Позволь открыть тебе суровую правду жизни: жить вообще страшно. Чудес не бывает. Все зависит только от тебя. Так что подними свою задницу, выйди из палаты и начни заниматься спортом. — А вдруг будет слишком трудно? — В этой жизни все стоящее дается очень нелегко". "— Хотел бы я знать, зачем звезды светятся… Наверно, затем, чтобы рано или поздно каждый мог вновь отыскать свою". "Knockin' on Heaven's Door: - You stand on the beach and taste the salty smell of the wind that comes from the ocean, and inside you feel the warmth of never ending freedom, and on your lips the bitter, tear-soaked kiss of your lover. - I have never been to the ocean. - That can't be true! You have never ever been to the ocean? - Never - ever! - Both of us are knocking on heavens door, drinking tequila, we are biting-the-dust experts - and you have never - ever been to the ocean! - Never - ever! - Don't you know how it is when you arrive in heaven? In heaven that's all they talk about - the ocean - and how wonderful it is. They talk about the sunsets they have seen. They talk about how the sun turned blood-red before it set. And they talk about how they felt when the sun was loosing its power, - and the cold that was coming from the ocean, while the rest of the fire was still glowing. And you - You can't talk about it with them, since you have never been there! You will be a fucking outsider up there!" "Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos". ~Charles M. Schulz





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